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Welcome on community web for Sharp MZ computer series


Welcome to the community web site of 8-bit computers SHARP MZ series fans, especially on SHARP MZ-800 and MZ-700 models.

This website also attempts to create an open environment for the establishing of an extensive collection of information about these computers and equipment designed for them and for building cataloged database of applications, games, documentation, manuals and other related things.

All published materials and programs are free to distribute only if they contain information on the conditions of such use. If not (for example ROM files, some documentation), then it's not allowed to download them, if you are not a legal owner (in the case of ROM files you must possess a real Sharp computer). Most files are considered as Abadonware, but not all files.

If you believe that any file is in breach of the applicable law, please inform us immediately about it and the file will be removed.

(Site is inactive)

en/about.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/02 17:48 by admin