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en:community [2010/11/20 13:41] – Added IRC channel hajdam | en:community [2014/02/07 15:21] (current) – Mail conference changed hajdam |
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===== Communication ===== | ===== Communication ===== |
For the communication between user of SHARP MZ-800 computers there is mostly used the e-mail conference on [[|Pandora]]. | For the communication between user of SHARP MZ-800 computers in Czech Republic there is mostly used the e-mail conference. |
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* [[|Show content]] | * [[|Subscribe to the conference]] |
* [[|Subscribe to the conference]] | |
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There is also IRC channel available. It's primary focused on this community web project. | There is also IRC channel available. It's primary focused on this community web project. |
===== History ===== | ===== History ===== |
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FIXME | Computers of the SHARP MZ-800 brand were imported in the former Czechoslovakia during a deep totality (Communist era). There were are two models available: MZ-811 for 6 600 Kčs (Czech Crown) and MZ-821 for 7 800 Kčs. Cheaper model did not contain a built-cassette recorder and owners of this model had to deal with "Tape Loading Error" moments of despair in front of the screen very often. Later was eventually available MZ-1P16 4-colour plotter for 3 800 Kčs. That was basically the only extension which you could legally obtain for your Sharp. Therefore despite this computer was relatively advanced piece of hardware compare to other alternatives available on the market, it suffered on a lack of quality software, documentation and accessories. This gave rise to several high-quality Sharp clubs where they came with incredible amount of hardware improvements and expansions. Soon the programmers discovered the fact that it is not hard to port the game from ZX Spectrum computers, and so the era of the software porting started. After 1990, several distribution companies was born, most notably: mZx software RTMV soft or [[|BBS Corporation]]. They offer relatively good software for a relatively high prices, but at least this brought some high quality software for Sharp. Some of them were for example: text editor FET, copying programs Turbo Copy and Intercopy, graphical programs Artex and MZ-Paint, or ported games from ZX-128, such as Robocop, Ghostbusters II, and others. It is almost unbelievable how long our Sharp prevailed. At a time when world of home computers was dominated by Amiga and Atari ST, there was still porting activity for the Sharp producing better and better games, while others 8-bit computers of its era quickly disappeared. There was also specialized press dedicated for Sharp. Regularly based listing of programs in electronics, an article on the MZ-800 came in workbook "A computer is friend of human" and there was specialized magazine HC-INFO. Even after many years there is still activity in the form of emulators, various software tools and various websites. |
Computers of the SHARP MZ-800 brand were import in the former Czechoslovakia during a deep totality. Available are two types: MZ-811 for 6600 and Kčs MZ-821 for 7,800 Kčs. Cheaper option did not contain a built-cassette recorder and prepared as the owners Perná moments in front of the screen that says "Tape Loading Error". Eventually even discovered four recorder MZ-1P16 for 3800 Kčs. That was basically the only level for us to Sharp was legally obtained. After the advanced computer hardware and suffered a lack of quality software, documentation and accessories. Would not it be but the Czech (and Slovak) hands to the neporadily. This gave rise to several high-quality Sharp clubs where they came incredible amount of hardware improvements and expansion. Soon the programmers came to the fact that it is not hard to redo the game from ZX Spectra. She and her era and remodeling programs. After 1990, was born several distribution companies, most notably those of mZx software RTMV soft or [[|BBS Corporation]]. Offer relatively good software for a relatively high amount. You can not deny them, however, that because they were on a lot of really high quality Sharp products. The witnesses include editor FET, copying successful programs Turbo Copy and Intercopy, graphical programs Artex and MZ-Paint, or a game of ZX-128, such as Robocop, Ghostbusters II, and others. It is almost unbelievable how long it is kept in our Sharp. At a time when world dominated play Amiga and Atari ST, the Sharp předělávaly still better and better games, while others osmibitové computer ryhle lost her position. Recalled that Sharp is dedicated to the specialized press. Regularly based listing of programs in electronics, an article on the MZ-800 came in workbook "A computer friend of man" and i was getting a specialized magazine HC-INFO. Now experiencing this likeable computer osmibitový a renaissance in the form of emulator, various software tools and even those sites. | |
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===== Community web ===== | ===== Community web ===== |
If you are a fan, or if you own any of the SHARP computers, register and feel free to share your experiences. There are following services available: | If you are a fan, or if you own any of the SHARP computers, register and feel free to share your experiences. There are following services available: |
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* Modificable content of the web ([[|DokuWiki]]) | * Modifiable content of the web ([[|DokuWiki]]) |
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Počítače značky SHARP MZ-800 se do bývalého Československa dostaly ještě za hluboké totality. K dostání byly dva typy: MZ-811 za 6600 Kčs a MZ-821 za 7800 Kčs. Levnější varianta neobsahovala vestavěný kazetový magnetofon a připravovala tak jejím majitelům perné chvilky před obrazovkou s nápisem "Loading Tape Error". Časem se ještě objevil čtyřbarevný zapisovač MZ-1P16 za 3800 Kčs. To bylo v podstatě to jediné, co u nás šlo k Sharpu legálně získat. Po hardwarové stránce vyspělý počítač tak trpěl nedostatkem kvalitního softwaru, dokumentace a příslušenství. Nebyly by to ale české (a slovenské) ručičky, aby si s tím neporadily. Vzniklo tak několik kvalitních Sharp klubů, kde se zrodilo neuvěřitelné množství hardwarových vylepšení a rozšíření. Brzy také programátoři přišli na to, že není těžké předělat hru ze ZX Spectra. Začala tak éra předělávání her a programů. Po roce 1990 se zrodilo několik distribučních společností, z těch nejvýznamnějších jmenujme mZx software, RTMV soft nebo [[|BBS corporation]]. Nabízely relativně dobrý software za relativně vysoké částky. Nelze jim však upřít, že díky nim vzniklo na Sharpa mnoho skutečně kvalitních produktů. Pro pamětníky jmenujme textový editor FET, zdařilé kopírovací programy Turbo Copy a Intercopy, grafické programy Artex a MZ-Paint nebo třeba hry ze ZX-128, jako je RoboCop, Ghostbusters II a další. Je až neuvěřitelné, jak dlouho se u nás Sharp udržel. V době, kdy hernímu světu vévodily Amigy a Atari ST, se na Sharpa stále předělávaly lepší a lepší hry, zatímco ostatní osmibitové počítače ryhle ztrácely své dosavadní pozice. Připomeňme, že se Sharpovi věnoval i odborný tisk. Pravidelně vycházely listingy programů v Elektronice, článek o MZ-800 vyšel i v sešitě "Počítač přítel člověka" a k dostání byl i specializovaný časopis HC-INFO. Nyní zažívá tento sympatický osmibitový počítač jakousi renesanci v podobě emulátorů, různých softwarových pomůcek a třeba i těchto stránek. | |
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